Friday, February 09, 2007

Toothiness Update

So my sweetie's tooth is about 1/3 out now. Last night at about 9:30 he woke from a sound sleep with an inconsolable cry. No matter how much comforting he got, he wouldn't stop. When Alex cries, a for real cry, you know it is bad for him, because honestly, when he fake cries or cries for attention you can just walk away and he stops.

Poor guy, he didn't want a bottle. He is very good at violently pushing his bottle away if he doesn't want it. I swear to God, he almost threw it at me. Alex gave me the baby version of the big F-U!

He was just so inconsolable. Stephen got a half dose of Tylenol down him. He just didn't want anyone to touch his mouth. Yet 10 minutes later he was still crying and screaming. You could tell it was from pain. Alex didn't even want comfort, but he didn't want to be left alone either. It hurt so much he didn't know what he wanted.

So I put Orajel on my finger and managed to get just his bottom gums. Then he really screamed since I touched what was hurting. About 5 minutes later, he calmed down to a whimper. Stephen handed him off to me, otherwise, I would have just paced in the baby's room until Alex fell asleep. I rocked him and cuddled him.

When I went to put him down again, he cried, but I knew I had to leave him. About 10 minutes later he was asleep, and slept until 6:45.

You just feel so bad when it hurts so much they don't know what they want or what to do.

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