Wednesday, February 14, 2007


In the last 14 days, that boy has sprouted a full pearl necklace in his mouth. He was up all night. Not crying mind you, but talking, laughing, yelling... basically having a slumber party for one in his crib. We kept having to get up and check on him. Either Stephen or I would get up and try to burp him, give him tylenol, orajel... anything... a bottle, rock him. Last night, during my shift, he laid on my lap and smiled at me, and tried to play with my hair by pulling it.

He finally fell asleep at about 5:30 and woke up at about 7. After breakfast he grabbed Bama's finger and started to chew on it. There she discovered two new uppers, half way out. Except these aren't the center teeth, but either the second incisors or the canines. Basically, he has fangs.

So for those of you keeping count: Lower arch consists of center incisor about 1/3 out, second center incisor with just a jagged edge out, upper arch: 2 teeth of unknown type about 1/3 out, over night.

My baby boy has fangs.... :'(

1 comment:

The Schiller family said...

Where or where or where are the McCanns? We miss your blogs! (and you too of course)

Hope all is well and we hope to visit soon--