Monday, January 22, 2007

Congrats to the newly engaged!

Congrats to the very lucky girl who snagged jamestownlawyer. He is no longer on the market ladies! Jamestown, my condolences! ;) Seriously, I am very happy for the both of you.

1 comment:

Lana said...

Thanks, but isn't he the lucky one?? I wrote a long comment yesterday and it didn't post, so I'm sad.

In short...

(1) I applaud your many posts. I had missed them since I stopped visiting when there was not a new post after the first one in December.

(2) Congratulations to Stephen on the new job.

(3) Yay to Alex for the good outcome of the hearing test and for just being so adorable!

(4) Jen, try to behave yourself in church. You always have to be so difficult...