Thursday, January 04, 2007

Just Another Ordinary Day

So, I thought I would learn to be a blogger with Stephen.

Here is Alex's update: He had some shots on the 28th. His revenge for which was to go on a bottle strike. To me, I always worry because in such a small body, with such delicate equlibrium, I worry about dehydration. Well, he is back to eating lumberjack style, and had several hard poops to show for his lack of bottle consumption.

Yes a part of my life is about how often, what color, and what texture a poop is! I don't even mind.

On Friday the 5th, we go for a BAER test at Children's Hospital. Thanks to Stephen's family history of hearing problems, we are being proactive about Alex's hearing. Right now, I can tell you it is phenominal. He reacts to even the slightest of sounds.

This test will be a bear all right. They can only do it when a child is sleeping and they don't sedate 6 month olds, so I scheduled it to coincide with a nap. Hopefully they have a warm dark room that I can put him in at 8:30 after he gets his bottle.

Coming full circle, back to the bottle... Alex has been wanting his bottle earlier and earlier each day. It used to be breakfast at 7 and a bottle at 8:30. Then the bottle shifted to 8:15, and this morning he wanted his bottle at 8:00 am. And I can tell you he pigged out on breakfast first. Wonder what that is all about.

Will post the test results when we get them. I don't anticipate a problem... just being proactive.

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